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In the Press

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Lawfully Explained - Podcast by the Law Society of NSW

Lawfully Explained was created by the Law Society of NSW to explain the most common legal issues, what to expect in a courtroom, and guidance on how to find the best lawyer for you.


Nicole Evans was interviewed as the family lawyer for the podcast 'Unhappy marriage, happy divorce?' to get real information to get you better understanding the legal system. 


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The Australian - Commercial Surrogacy

Family lawyer Nicole Evans said she believed surrogacy laws needed to change so that women in Ms Yue's situation could be recognised as legal mothers.


"The law in Australia in my view is behind most Western countries and surrogacy arrangements, in that the birth mother is recognised as the legal parent and the intended mother is not", she said.


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Law Society Journal - Just Chat Podcast

In this special Mardi Gras episode of Just Chat, Claire Chaffey talks with Nicole Evans and Jake Fing about their experiences in the legal profession as LGBTQI lawyers, how those in the profession can be more effective allies, and how lawyers can better represent LGBTQI clients.

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This Glorious Mess - Mamamia Podcast

AND - what's a 'baby pre nup'? Well, it's the agreement that more and more people are drawing up with the sperm donor of their babies. We talk to Nicole Evans, a Sydney lawyer who specialises in this area, to discuss what you DEFINITELY need to agree on before you embark on parenting with someone who is not your partner.

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7.30 Report

Leigh Sales from the 7.30 Report discusses the High Court case of Masson v Parsons. For the first time we hear from both sides of an unprecedented High Court sperm donor father case and speak with lawyer Nicole Evans on the legal aspects of the case and future implications.

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Interview on ABC News

Nicole Evans was interviewed on ABC News at 7pm on the High Court case which ruled a sperm donor is daughter's legal father, stopping her moving overseas with mother.


Interview on ABC Radio

A senior family law practitioner, Nicole Evans, says she's not surprised by a High Court ruling today which has clarified the rights of a man who fathered a child with a lesbian friend, by way of artificial insemination.

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Sperm Donation Australia

Nicole Evans was interviewed recently by Sperm Donation Australia on her book Lesbians & The Law, the services her firm Nicole Evans Lawyers provides same-sex couples and the type of reasons you would utilise a lawyer.

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The Monthly

Nicole Evans was interviewed recently by Marina Kamenev from The Monthly magazine on same-sex couples, donor agreements and her book Lesbians & The Law.



"In one conversation, I try to explain to them why I can't get married to the woman I love. In the second, I announce to them that there is going to be a wedding in the family."


Although we know that “love makes a family”, I also know that the law is an incredibly powerful force in how we make and maintain those families as lesbians.

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Eastern Suburbs Mums

Nicole Evans is a local Coogee mum of two who has written a book Lesbians and the Law to help support and provide information to same sex couples. She shares her life and tips for living in the east and why voting for marriage equality impacts her as a mother....

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Huffington Post

To my daughter,

I always wanted a daughter. I dreamed you into existence.

I remember the day you were conceived. Seeing your tiny body form and grow fingers and toes on ultrasounds. Talking to you. Feeling you move. I couldn't wait to meet you.


Kinderling Radio

Many lesbian couples choose a friend to donate sperm in order to have a family, unaware of how this might complicate their own family dynamic later down the track. Learn about the legalities with Nicole Evans, lawyer and author of Lesbians and the Law: A Guidebook for Australian Families



Nicole Evans discusses the law as it relates to lesbians and their families in Lesbians on the Loose Magazine (LOTL).

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